ATV rollovers can be devastating, especially for passengers. Often ATV accidents occur in remote rural areas requiring expensive life flight and serious ER facilities in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Types of All-Terrain-Vehicles in Utah
The Utah Traffic Code at 41-6a-101 et seq controls how the ATV is defined and what laws apply to the recreational vehicle accident. Utah’s negligence laws also control.
Common ATVs in Utah are:
ATV. All Terrain Vehicle. 4-Wheeler. 3-Wheeler. Side-by-Sides. Street legal motorcycles.
Common Types of ATV Accidents Causing Injury in Utah?
Common injury causing accidents in Utah ATV accidents are:
ATVs hitting other ATVs. Passenger injuries. ATV rollovers. Off-road accidents/rollovers. Street legal ATVS hitting other cars on public roads.
Common ATV Accident Injuries.
Hands and arms are especially susceptible to injury during ATV rollovers. Bone fractures, muscle tears and orthopedic injuries are very common for both the driver an passengers in ATV rollovers.
What Insurance Policies Cover ATV Injuries in Utah?
ATV and other recreational vehicles are commonly insured. Sometimes and often there can be multiple insurance companies covering the same vehicle in priority of coverage situation.
What insurance company covers an ATV accident is very fact specific. If the ATV was street legal, that is important to know. Where the ATV rollover occurred at, private, public or at your home is also very important to know.
Common insurance policies that may cover ATV accidents in Utah:
(1). Car Insurance. Your car insurance, even though your car may be back in California in your garage at the time of the ATV rollover.
(2). Other Car Insurance. The car insurance that was covering the person who rented the ATV. Even if you were driving it but didn’t rent it.
(3). ATV Specific Insurance. If no ATV rental was involved, often the ATV has specific ATV recreational vehicle liability insurance on the machine.
(4). Rental Company Insurance. The rental company who rented the ATV to you sometimes can have default liability insurance in the case that no other insurance carrier insures the ATV.
(4). Homeowners’ insurance. Depending on where the ATV accident occurred, homeowners’ policies sometimes cover ATV accidents on your own land.