When hiring a personal injury attorney, law firm size matters. The ability of your attorney to front expert witness and case costs matters greatly. Howard Lewis & Petersen, PC has the ability to retain the best experts and carry the costs on your serious personal injury case to conclusion.
Personal Injury Cases Take a Long Time:
Personal injury cases are expensive and take a long time. When you are injured, you have to wait until you reach medical maturity first, meaning that your personal injury attorney has to know the extent of your injuries before they can settle your case. Depending on the injuries, this can take four months to years. This is one reason why Utah has a four year statute of limitations concerning car accident personal injuries.
Can Your Personal Injury Attorney Front Expert Witness Costs:
During the pendency of the litigation, your personal injury attorney will be carrying costs on your case. Common costs on a car accident case that are not litigated, are the cost of medical records and expert witnesses to evaluate your injuries. Litigated personal injury cases where a lawsuit is filed incur filing fees, expert witness trial services, service fees, subpoena fees, trial exhibits and deposition costs to name a few. This can easily be over $2,500 per case.

Since 1950:
Howard Lewis & Petersen, PC has been around since 1950, helping injured people state wide. Howard Lewis & Petersen has the ability to prosecute large and small personal injury cases. The firm has generally been the largest law firm original to Utah County and is currently the oldest firm original to Utah County. Smaller personal injury firms often do not have the financial ability to prosecute large personal injury cases because they lack the financial capital to carry the case to resolution.
Call personal injury attorney Jacob S. Gunter for a free consultation concerning your injury case. (801) 373-6345.