Out-of-State Car Insurance in Utah: Understanding Liability Coverage Requirements

If you’re an out-of-state driver living in Utah for more than 90 days, understanding how out-of-state car insurance laws apply is crucial. This is especially important if you’re involved in a car accident.

California DMV debuts new REAL ID driver's license - The Petaluma  Argus-Courier

California Driver in Utah: Which Liability Minimum Applies?

When a California driver has lived in Utah for over 90 days, their insurance must meet Utah’s higher liability minimums. Utah’s $25,000 liability minimum for bodily injury replaces California’s $15,000 minimum. This happens through a legal mechanism called a “step-up provision.”

Legal Basis for Step-Up Provisions in Utah

Under Utah Code Ann. § 41-12a-301, nonresident drivers must follow Utah’s insurance laws after 90 days.
Here’s the relevant statute:

“(b) Every nonresident owner of a motor vehicle that has been physically present in this state for…
(ii) more than 90 days during the preceding 365 days shall thereafter maintain owner’s or operator’s security in effect continuously throughout the period the motor vehicle remains within Utah.”

This provision ensures out-of-state drivers comply with Utah’s higher insurance standards after a 90-day stay.

Why Does Utah Require Higher Coverage?

Utah’s liability minimums are designed to protect accident victims better. Once a driver is in the state long enough, they must carry insurance that matches these higher standards.

For example:

  • California’s Minimum Liability Coverage: $15,000 for bodily injury.
  • Utah’s Minimum Liability Coverage: $25,000 for bodily injury.

A California driver with $15,000 coverage must meet Utah’s $25,000 requirement if they stay in Utah longer than 90 days.

Out-of-State Car Insurance and Legal Help

Understanding out-of-state car insurance and step-up provisions can be difficult. An experienced car accident attorney can help you navigate Utah’s laws and protect your rights.

Call Attorney Jacob S. Gunter for Assistance

If you’re facing a car accident case involving out-of-state car insurance, call Jacob S. Gunter at (801) 373-6345. With extensive experience in car accident claims, he can guide you and help secure fair compensation.

Learn More About Utah Accident Lawyer Jake Gunter Jacob S. Gunter | Personal Injury Attorney in Provo

For additional insights on Utah personal injury law and to get to know Jake Gunter better, check out these helpful videos:

These resources will provide you with valuable information as you consider your legal options. For any questions or to schedule a free consultation, feel free to reach out to us directly.