If your Utah car accident personal injury attorney never files lawsuits, your injury case will be devalued.
The insurance adjusters and companies know which Utah personal injury lawyers will file lawsuits and which ones always settle. You will receive less money for your injuries when you hire an attorney who always settles.
Here are some recent examples in my Utah injury practice.
Example 1. $4,400 Offer. A Utah County, I-15 car accident with no police report. Client had a terrible prior head injury from a prior car collision. The new second Utah car accident aggravated her head injury symptoms. Initial offer from the insurance company was $4,400. I filed a lawsuit and they call several days later and offered $25,000 policy limits.
Example 2. $800 Rental Car Company. Out-of-state rental car company rear-ends my client. Out-of-state adjuster doesn’t know Utah standards or how to value a Utah car accident case. Initial offer was $800. I filed a lawsuit. They offered $25,000 policy limits.
Example 3. The “P” Named Insurance Company. Labrum Tear. Intersection car accident in Provo, Utah. Labrum tear to young man. $50,000 policy limits from the at-fault insurance carrier. Initial offer was $20,000. I filed suit. $50,000 was tendered within days.
Not every case that you file a lawsuit on turns into a policy limits offer. But if you hire the wrong type of Utah personal injury attorney, the insurance company will give you a lower settlement.